Seedr- a Safe way to download torrents

 Torrents are usually downloaded using desktop clients like uTorrent, but Seedr brings torrenting to the cloud and into the browser. The service is quickly gaining momentum, hiding users' IP addresses from the public and bypassing any P2P limitations, with a completely free tier to get people started.

Seedr is a hugely popular tool for sharing files of all sizes, but it previously required desktop software clients to work. Now, Seedr allows you to use it in your browser.

It's as easy as creating an account and uploading a torrent to the service at its most basic level. Seedr even supports magnet links and can even locate a torrent using just the URL of a web page.

Seedr then does all of the uploading and sharing on its own, bypassing any network restrictions and exposing no local IP addresses to a torrent swarm. This ensures that the service aids in the protection of consumer privacy.

Free tier – 2GB of free storage plus more space to invite friends – Unlimited bandwidth, video streaming, and high-speed downloads are all available.

– 1 torrent download in tandem with a 1:1 seeding ratio on public trackers

Premium storage options range from 30GB to 1TB.

– 2-25 simultaneous torrent downloads, HD streaming, and API access – 1:1 seeding ratio on public trackers – Up to 5:1 or 5 days seeding ratio on private trackers

Seedr's value lies in its simplicity, which makes it easier to use than any other programme.

Aside from the free tier (which is a steal), Seedr has affordable packages starting at $6.95. Seedr is everything anyone could want!

seedr can be tried out for free right now. (


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